In the past few decades technology has revolutionised our society and the way we do business. All indications are that our use of technology will continue to advance at a rapid rate. The legal and commercial implications of the technology revolution are complex, and impact upon every organisation. In this fast moving sector, technology businesses and users of technology require legal advice that is based on a deep understanding of the complex relationship between technology and legal development.

Our specialist technology lawyers provide pragmatic and creative legal solutions on a vast array of issues relating to the development and use of technology, including data protection, technology contracts and intellectual property rights. We advise technology companies and users of technology across a wide range of sectors, including life sciences, biotech, financial services, engineering, media, retail and education.

What we do

Other expertise


Our lawyers have extensive experience in managing simple and complex outsourcing transactions, from traditional IT services outsourcing through to business process outsourcing.

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Data Privacy
Data Privacy

We help our clients to understand their obligations under data protection laws (including the GDPR), and how to achieve compliance. We also prepare the documents needed to comply, from privacy policies through to joint controller agreements.

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